ULMA Venturi tailored for UK salad market

ULMA Packaging UK has adapted its Venturi System for the loose leaf salad market.

Initially introduced to the UK last year, the unique packaging method is designed to mitigate damage to light leaves by pulling produce down into the bag using air.

Now, following successful trials in the fresh herb sector, Steve Brooks, VFFS business manager at ULMA Packaging UK, is confident that similar success is on the horizon for the salad leaf market.

Brooks, explained: “The British Leafy Salads Association acknowledges how important it is to carefully handle delicate leaves to avoid bruising and damage, which is why our Venturi ring is so suitable because it creates a vacuum under the produce and accelerates it down the tube without damage.

“Unlike traditional vertical packaging machines where the re-work required for bags with product stuck in the seal is between 7-10%, the Venturi System’s use of air to pull the product all the way down to the bottom of the bag safely can lead to a reduced re-work of less than 1% when used in conjunction with ultrasonic sealing technology.

The bag length and width can be reduced as the product is pulled further inside the packaging during sealing, which saves money and material wastage throughout the process.

Additionally, the system requires only two employees to operate, and can produce up to 60 packs of fresh salad per minute.